People with disabilities

Physical activity is very important for people with multiple disabilities. Exercise goals can be any of the following: preventing a sedentary lifestyle, rehabilitation, health improvement or improved functioning in daily life. Research shows that even in the functionally least restricted group, barely 17% reaches the exercise norm. Clearly it is important to stimulate physical activity among people with multiple disabilities.
Accessible and stimulating
The SilverFit systems motivate and stimulate so that physical activity becomes more enjoyable. The game provides a clear objective to the exercise and offers a challenge. The SilverFit 3D and the SilverFit Mile can be used to train people with severely restricted physical and cognitive abilities. The SilverFit is used frequently as all exercises can be adjusted to the cognitive and physical needs of the participant. The SilverFit trains gross motor skills in an open space. A number of protocols are available to provide the right exercises for people with multiple disabilities.
The SilverFit Mile is often used on a bike or a passive-active seated bike and where possible on a treadmill. This creates the sense of being outside. The SilverFit Mile is very easy to use and adoption by residents and staff is almost immediate.
Some practical examples
SilverFit systems are used at various locations for people with intellectual disabilities. Complete fitness rooms have been installed at a number of locations of the Koraalgroep. St. Anna was the first location in 2012. The first virtual gym for elderly people with intellectual disabilities was established. A few of the comments:
“Clients are very enthusiastic and fully immerge themselves in the imagery, and forget that they’ve been cycling for 20 minutes.”
“One response came from a lady, who when she came home, told them that she cycled along the Maas to her brother in Venlo and that it was wonderful there.”
“Another lady who comes to see me to practice on the SilverFit, loves to virtually throw balls, and she told the group leaders that she had been to the fair and had thrown balls at animals that appeared.”
“A man who exhibits severe screaming behaviour, has recently started exercising with SilverFit, you can tell that he is focused on the SilverFit exercises and that he exhibits no screaming behaviour at that time.”