Patients exercise more with SilverFit 3D after their amputation

The study
On average, patients who undergo an amputation stay in hospital longer (80-100 days) compared to other patient groups, for example patients who had a stroke (69 days). Physiotherapists and patients in rehabilitation centers often think the available treatment time is not enough. Anke van Cruchten investigated whether the amputation program on the SilverFit 3D, could be a meaningful addition to the regular rehabilitation program, for both (geriatric) physiotherapists and the patients involved.
The outcomes
The outcomes are positive:
- Using the SilverFit 3D results in an increase in the number of times patients exercise: on average, patients exercise 80 minutes per week extra!
- Patients are more motivated to train (independently) during the rehabilitation period.
- Thanks to the game element of the SilverFit 3D exercises, patients are distracted from their impairment and the time it takes to perform the exercise. Hereby, patients push their boundaries and achieve their desired training stimulus, without them noticing.
- Physiotherapists can implement the program on day one of the rehabilitation program and already after two months the program seems indispensable for the rehabilitation program of patients who undergo a leg amputation.
Exercise program: amputation
The amputation program is one of the exercise programs available on the SilverFit 3D. For different patient groups different exercise programs are available, for example for patients who had a stroke or for patients with Parkinson’s Disease, arthrosis or COPD. Do you have a question, or would you like to know more about these programs? Please contact us for more information.
Van Cruchten, A. (2019). Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de hanteerbaarheid en de ervaringen van het SilverFit amputatieprogramma binnen de Geriatrische Revalidatiezorg (Unpublished Master’s thesis). Avans Plus University of Applied Sciences.